Saturday, 20 August 2011

Elwoodii Conifer removal

Spent yesterday removing the stump of the Elwoodii tree from the front garden, having removed the top growth on Wednesday. Was worried about the roots fouling the drains beneath or around it, so thought it best to remove it.
Herewith a pic of the offending tree in the background.

Maris Piper Potato

15th August, dug the two rows of Maris Piper potatoes I had grown in the garden and was suitably impressed with the production, both in size and quantity.
So managed to harvest 15.5kgs per row, which equated to 31kgs all told.
Herewith pictures of harvest showing crop from 1st plant and then the row followed by
the 2nd row.

Sunday, 7 August 2011


Dug some carrots today and was very pleased with the results I`m having this year.
The pic shows three different types of those I grow, which are Yellowstone: Purple Haze: and the usual Autumn King. I was also surprised at the very lush and tall top growth this year and wondered if the produce were as good as the tops. Also have`nt managed to get the fish pond balanced quite right yet, so drained some more water off and refilled with fresh, and see how that goes.
 Here are the results of the carrots.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

In the garden today tidying up and recording

Nice and Sunny today, so back out in the garden and recording events after tidying up all round.

Friday, 22 July 2011

Just another day


Today took some photos of my bramley apples which are on a new tree which has`nt been planted very long, so am very pleased as they will accompany all the blackberries that we have been picking over the past two or three weeks from our neighbours hedges, so don`t have far to go afield for that!

Have also treated myself to a new electric Garden Tiller which arrived yesterday, so will be able to make use of that later on, and hopefully save me a lot of manual digging.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Sunday 11 October 2009

Went back to Shotley at the end of September this year with my Daughter and her husband to reminisce about my time at the Boys Training back in 1950. Quite a shock seeing the place so derelict but it brought back loads of memories of a tough time there preparing life for and in the Royal Navy. It was a super basis for setting me up for the rest of my life.
Had a good look round the Museum they have there and saw photos of people that I had known whilst I was there and who I came across again in later postings.

Back home in the garden and wondering what to do with all my Du Comice pears, as I found this year they upset my stomach eating them raw, so had to try something else, as they are my favourite fruit. Found a recipe for Pear and Giner jam, from a young lady in Canada and gave it a try yesterday. Spent an awful long time standing as I had to keep stirring and boiling trying to reduce the mix so that it would set. Obviously put too much water in!
Got there in the end and popped it all into jars. Come this morning and it was all still runnyt but tasted superb just like she said.
I also bottled loads as I eventually found the right Kilner jars with the clips on but notice they still discolour quite a lot and don`t keep their white appearance, not like you see them in the shops, where they`re done professionally. So obviously don`t have the knack of that system.

Also been loaded with loads and loads of tomatoes, as I grew so many this year consisting of about 8 or 9 varieties, just to see how each compared to each other. Well impressed with the Italian one`s I grew called Pomodoro San Marzano which were very prolific and tasted superb, all meaty inside and not so many seeds as the ordinary tomatoes. So will obviously be growing them again.
Also managed to grow a type from the Canary Islands called Semilla Canaria which were quite large and also tasted very nice.
The other types tried this year were: Tigerella, Moneymaker, Bib Boy, Alicante, Marmande, Garden Pearl, Sweet Million and finally Gardeners Delight. Could`nt bear to throw the excess seedlings away so potted everything up and everything grew, even in pots where I had to use my front garden to keep them round the borders. Have managed to freeze loads and also made different types of tomato soup from recipes gleaned from the internet, and also given loads away to those who want them.
Potato crop was also very good. For the first time I grew Pink Fir Apple which resemble something like Ginger root, but taste very nice and nutty, although they are very fiddly to peel, so best left in the skins and taken off after boiling.
Lady Christl was my other choice this year and they are also nice tasting but not so prolofic as the PFA type.

Vegetables & fruit

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blackberries now coming thick and fast from both neighbourhood hedges. Dug final row of Charlotte (early potatoes) producing around 4kg. Dug some carrots as I had planted 3 different varieties and the Yellowstone variety are producing some very large examples as opposed to the Autumn King and Purple Haze I have. Pond has been emptied partially and refilled with fresh and looking better for it, as I have taken the advice offered to get the Ammonia levels down to a normal level since using the new liner.