Went back to Shotley at the end of September this year to reminisce about my time at boys training back in 1950. Quite a shock seeing the place so derelict but brought back loads of memories of a tough time there preparing life for and in the Royal Navy.
Had a good look round the Museum they have there and saw people that I had known whilst I was there and who I came across again in later postings.
Back home in the garden and wondering what to do with all my Du Comice Pears, as I found this year they upset my stomach eating them raw, so had to try something else, as they are my favourite fruit. Found a recipe for Pear and Ginger jam from a young lady in Canada and gave it a try yesterday. Spent an awful long time standing as I had to keep stirring and boiling trying to reduce the mix so that it would set. Seemed good in the end and popped it all into jars. Come this morning and it was all still runny but tasted superb just like she said.
I also bottled loads as I eventually found the right kilner jars with the clips on but notice they still discolour quite a lot and don`t keep their white appearance, not like you see them in the shops where they`re done professionally. Never mind time will tell.
Also been loaded with loads and loads of tomatoes as I grew so many this year of about 8 or 9 different varieties just to see how each compared to each other. Well impressed with the italian one`s I grew called Pomodoro San Marzano which were very prolific and tasted superb, all meaty inside and not so many seeds as ordinary tomatoes.
Also managed to grow a type from the Canary Islands called Semilla Canaria which were quite large and also tasted very nice.
The other types tried this year were, Tigerella, Moneymaker, Big Boy, Alicante, Marmande, Garden Pearl and Sweet Million. Could`nt bear to throw the excess seedlings away so potted everything up and everything grew, even in pots where I had to use my front garden. Have managed to freeze loads and also made different types of tomato soup from recipes gleaned from the internet, and given loads away to those who want them.
Potato crop was also very good. For the first time grew Pink Fir Apple which resemble something like a ginger root, but taste very nice, although fiddly to peel and best left until they are boiled and then the skin just almost falls away. Lady Christyl was my other choice this year and they are also nice tasting but not so prolific as the PFA were.
Have been trying to grow three miniature fruit trees in containers ie Pear, Cherry and Greengage Plum. The cherry was quite good but not excessive and the other two a bit of a washout as there was only one plum which perished and the pears did`nt amount to much. As this is their fourth or fifth year, decided to try changing the compost and adding fertilizer. A bit difficult as the roots are in a ball and not easy to disturb and replace, but managed it alright and back in their pots to see what transpires next year.
Always managing to find stuff to do in the garden and decided to widen part of the back garden path taking a bit more off the pocket handkerchief lawn, but should be worth the effort. Weather I use paveurs or slabs is still undecided, so again time will tell.
That`s all for today folks, so leaving it there FTTB.